Tuesday, June 9, 2009

TMUSCLE.com | Training Tips From A to Z

Can I get an AMEN!

L is for Let\'s Be Honest, We\'re Wussies

You can always train around an injury.

If you have chronic lower-back pain, you can work on core stability. If you have shoulder impingement, you can cut back on bench presses while adding more horizontal rowing (not to mention the fact you have a lower body that isn\'t affected). Knee pain won\'t stop you from performing glute-ham raises until your ass has its own zip code.

That is, if you really want to train.

Eric Cressey and I have worked with clients who came to us on crutches, in back braces, or with limbs in a cast. We could always find ways to give them a good workout without interfering with their rehab. Sometimes they actually get stronger.

Conversely, there are people who\'ll skip out on a training session because they\'re tired or have a headache. We call them \"wussies.\" Next time you feel like being one, watch this video.

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