Friday, April 24, 2009

Unfortunately (evasion)

"I would get to the gym more but unfortunately (fortunately), my boss (work, kids, spouse, school, etc....) demands too much of my time." Is this you?


Yesterday I ran for the first time in months. How i miss it. There is nothing like it both for intensity or just plain fun. How can something so simple be so awesome? We have been conditioned to consume and use all these machines and gadgets that a lot of us have gotten away from the simple things. I have employed bikes and ellipticals but they never satisfy. I was working up to bare foot running before my balance problems started so now I'm optimistic that I can resume that quest.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back at work

Intracostal City. Misnomer because there is no city here. No post office, no city hall, and no gym. A friend has given me his homemade squat rack and an old set of Olympic weights. A welcome gift that will be put to good use. I've come to the conclusion that my rib problem is trigger point induced and what i need is to roll my latisimus and serratous on a tennis ball. This with stretching it has given some relief. The pain has come on too gradual and developed in a way that is consistent with the descriptions I've read.

Dead lifts 8x3 258 lbs. bag work between sets

Pistols 3x5

Friday, April 17, 2009

Different gyms

I've never been afraid of trying new gyms. Its always fun to train in a new environment. The novelty factor is productive and the chance to try out new equipment is informative. The local gym in Crowley, La. has a great roman chair that hits the glutes like nothing else. So make some new neural connections as well as human.

Deadlifts 8x4,

box squats 2x10,

hyper extensions (unilateral body weight) 3x8

Thursday, April 16, 2009 | 7 Rules for Building Your Body | 7 Rules for Building Your Body: "Pull-up from rings for 15 reps

No rest

1B) Knees-to-elbows from rings for 12 reps

No rest

1C) Kettlebell squat thrust with hang snatch for 10 reps

No rest

1D) Forward/back/side-to-side run with kettlebell held at chest for 30 seconds

Rest 15 seconds and repeat 1A-1D four more times

Obviously, this isn't all I have him do in our workouts, but it does portray the importance of constantly moving in different planes while challenging different muscle groups across your entire body — just like a fight.

If you walk into the gym and randomly choose traditional barbell exercises you'll undoubtedly short-change the endurance and mobility that you need to look and feel better. Start training your body to move better and you'll end up looking better.

One of the best tips I can give you is to stop doing traditional cardio exercises on a treadmill or bike. Instead, work with a wrestling, jiu-jitsu, or judo coach, and make that your energy systems training. You'll get leaner, stronger, and more mobile. And whatever strength is lacking will be made up with a few circuits per week like the one I outlined above.

Training like a fighter insures that you'll build strength, endurance, and mobility at the same time."

That's Fit

That's Fit: "Calories - Don't Drink Them

Posted: Apr 15th 2009 1:00PM by Jacki Donaldson
Filed under: Food and Nutrition, Diet and Weight Loss
soda caloriesPersonally, I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. FitSugar finds out this is not such a bad idea and reports that cutting out sugar-sweetened beverages, like sodas and bottled iced tea, seems to have a profound effect on weight loss and weight-loss maintenance. Bottom line: Water is best.

If you're concerned with stretching your dollar (while not stretching your waistline), then we at That's Fit suggest you invest in a reusable water bottle -- it costs nothing after the initial purchase, it's calorie free, and it will benefit the environment too."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


IMPORTANT! Of course I've been telling people about plastics for years, just as i was trans fats and high fructose corn syrup. But I'm just a health freak.........

Monday, April 13, 2009


I will be making off mission posts inspired by the "Evasion Language Dictionary". This is a concise and elegant book about the little words we use to lie to ourselves and others. Don't = Won't. "I can't make it to the gym because i don't have time with my kids" Really? This is one case where this is actually true. You won't have time down the line later in your shortened life. Do you really care about your kids that much? You won't be there for them or their kids that much sooner. You will cause them more grief and trouble sooner rather than later. Unless a generous life insurance plan is part of the equation. Stop using you kids as an excuse.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Energy system

Tabata leap fogs and bag work. Leap frogs are the hardest thing i've tried to tabata. Red's has a Glideboxx and a full size boxing ring. The cold pool is an awesome finisher. Cold therapy is the best. Avoid heat of any kind if you want to heal faster. Heating pads and the like make you feel better while they are there but do no real good.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


8 sets of 3 w/ 30 second rest. 258 lbs. Top off with a set of 20 at 150 lbs. Stretch and forms.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Rib is doing better. I was a little worried doing deadlifts yesterday. I was hoping to be able to get in some triceps but that seems to activate the inflamed area. I'll have to be happy with bicep and forearm curls for upper body day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Injuries are new to me. I've avoided them with good training practices,but age is catching up with me. I pulled a rib muscle (intracostal chondritis)doing chin ups a little to vigorously trying to train the muscle up. I'm going to lay off upper body movements and just train legs. A bar and some weights is all I have at my disposal so here we go for the next couple of weeks. Deadlifts, leap frogs (tabata), and pistols.

A rose by any other name

I have fielded a few questions about kettle bells recently and I'd like to hold forth on a few points. Weight is weight. It doesn't matter if it is iron, water, air, sand...whatever. The only concern we should have is if it is in a useful form for our purpose. Simple physics. If you have ever flipped one of these things over onto your forearm, you realize why we invited the dumbbell. Put "Russian" in front of anything and it becomes exotic and somehow better in terms of training mystic. If this fad gets more people training then I'm all for it. But to those who are looking for a better mouse trap, please think about this. The Hyper Sandbell is a much smarter tool. I could kick myself in the ass for not thinking of this one. Just like the Power Block. But if i could get rich peddling pods of iron i would too i guess.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Long over due

It has been too long since i've posted. I suffered shingles on that trip. I will shortly resume posting tips and links.