T-Nation.com | 7 Rules for Building Your Body: "Pull-up from rings for 15 reps
No rest
1B) Knees-to-elbows from rings for 12 reps
No rest
1C) Kettlebell squat thrust with hang snatch for 10 reps
No rest
1D) Forward/back/side-to-side run with kettlebell held at chest for 30 seconds
Rest 15 seconds and repeat 1A-1D four more times
Obviously, this isn't all I have him do in our workouts, but it does portray the importance of constantly moving in different planes while challenging different muscle groups across your entire body — just like a fight.
If you walk into the gym and randomly choose traditional barbell exercises you'll undoubtedly short-change the endurance and mobility that you need to look and feel better. Start training your body to move better and you'll end up looking better.
One of the best tips I can give you is to stop doing traditional cardio exercises on a treadmill or bike. Instead, work with a wrestling, jiu-jitsu, or judo coach, and make that your energy systems training. You'll get leaner, stronger, and more mobile. And whatever strength is lacking will be made up with a few circuits per week like the one I outlined above.
Training like a fighter insures that you'll build strength, endurance, and mobility at the same time."
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